Sunday, March 23, 2008

i don't like something that starts with 'w' and ends with 'ork'.

now is the time for the 'i dont like's for my posts' titles. somehow the artistic energy that was with me before has done its disappearing act on me again so now i am in a blurry state of mind when it comes to art and to thinking of ideas and drawing and creating arworks. ohmy. i consulted the daily horoscope but apparently nothing has been said about this drain of artistic energy
you have some issues to work out in your subconscious and the only way to figue it out is to let the quiet, weird signals bubble up from deep down below. It's a good time to take stock.
what the hell man horoscope!!
then again maybe the Straits Times does not hire actual horoscopists or astronomers or whatever, i think they just make up the predictions for the day.
"issues to work out in your subconscious". i shall assume that refers to my dreams which means i should sleep more. okay thats good
"let the quiet, weird signals bubble up from deep down below".

okay. i have silently waited for said signals to 'bubble up', i think the horoscope's just referring to burps, because incidentally i have just had a lot to eat for lunch which consisted of nasi lemak and carrot cake and ben and jerry's
as for the "good time to take stock" part i dont understand what that means either.
oh and what a retarded post! i think i'll just keep procrastinating and do other nonsense stuff till i attempt again to revive my creative juices, meaning i sit on my bed and stone-think.
other than art i have other work to do, all of which require brainstorming ohshux. like dear PW, which requires me to think up of something to do about journeys. i actually like doing retarded projects where u can dream up of some superretarded inventions for the fun of it, but it looks like we wont get to do such stuff.
oh and i think i need to read king lear, reminds me. hai. should have realised earlier.

mugfest has begun in nanyang.

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