Tuesday, June 24, 2008


limping. he is greatly wounded by his encounter with the Maths Moolah. so tired. so weary. he trudges on. he can at least comfort himself in the knowledge that he dealt fairly well with the potentially lethal literature lash.
pissed off, he tosses aside his graphique calculatore, hoping never to see the blasted thing again.

a good lie-in invigorates him, and he is fresh and ready for the History Huzzah preperation. determined to banish the ghosts of yesterday's terrible encounter, he delves deep into his vast array of resources, and with the friendly, ever eager to help LiteSpeed, he trains himself for the battle to come.
storm clouds gathered ominously in the sky as the day died, but he is not one for superstition. in the quiet comfort of his humble abode, he seeks shelter from the storm, and finds some solace and calm in the magical tunes of his ipod on this cold, gloomy night.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

i like russia

they beat the netherlands. (nether-lands ooh) .
roman pavlyuchenko and andrei arshavin. yes. the russian number 9 and 10. i like.
and bastian schweinsteiger of germany. yes. i liked his goal. he played well that day against portugal. and phillip lahm.
i hope man-u buys them all. who needs ronaldo?

andrew encounters the first wave of attacks from the evil x-m.
he must continue on with the good form he's shown in dispatching the evil home-work.
he readies himself for attacks in the form of a Literature Lash, and the dangerous Maths Moolah.
already without his Football Daily Dosage of Happiness herb, he is weakened. will he survive?

he gets a breather. he will train himself in the ways of old, to better prepare himself for the History Huzzah.

what will the unpredictable History Huzzah do to his health?

he will get the chance to stock up on his Football Daily Dosage of Happiness herb. it is essential, for the battle is only just beginning...

the deadly duo strikes! with a flourish and an evil grin, x-m pulls out his trump cards. behold. Chinese Chokeslam and Sova Strangle!! (sova-study of visual arts). it is andrew's most formidable enemy yet. he knows not if he can make it through.

*storm clouds gather.

yay. mid years. =)

Saturday, June 21, 2008


enough about tom. today i started on my work. i read my maths notes. i have covered partial fractions and the binomial theorem. then, i had this great urge to paint. so i painted.
i also drew.
i stayed home. i spent the time filing my notes. all the worksheets accumulated and were bursting out of my file. other than that, i read my batman black and white comic and stayed up to watch the quarterfinal. portugal lost to germany 3-2. i like germany. i find that they are the team i watch the most, at this euros and at the world cup two years back. not that i particularly liked them, but somehow i watched many of their matches. i support germany. heil deutschland!
i went back to school to paint. i made some good progress. i have begun work on painting the little boy. i realise how weird things are when i paint without a reference photo. i guess i need to level up soon. i ate lunch at the friendly neighbourhood mcdonalds'. i asked for fries with no salt. no salt. i left school at six. i went to parkway. the bus ride was long. it took forever. sian ru was on the bus too. i alighted at parkway and he got off too. we saw muyao there. we decided to eat. we ate at pastamania. i am one meal away, from PASTAMANIA VIPship. i like creamy chicken. we ate. we talked. then we walked. i dragged them to adidas. i pointed to a mini replica of the euro match ball, and asked the friendly guy 'how much is this ball?'. and he told me, and i queried further 'do you have any other balls?' and he said no sir. and the other two guffawed like the immature children that they are. i bought my football. i held it in my arms. i was happy. then muyao dragged us to nike to look at that running shoe he wants. the one that syncs with his ipod. i like that orange netherlands jersey. it looked nice. we went to the mac shop at the basement. i sampled headphones and earphones. my wishlist has thus grown. we molested the ipods. the shutters were closing. we left. it was drizzling slightly. the bus ride home was short. i now live in bedok. on the bus, i looked at my new football and smiled.
i had a dream. it was a nightmare. and it encompasses this feeling that's been bugging me recently. its a worry, about the future. tha inadequate, not good enough feeling. (what's a blog without a bit of emo-ness)
i was sitting on a bus. it's not unlike the usual double decker public buses. i am on top, and the bus goes past what looks like some condominium estate. come to think of it, it resembled the home i just left last week. there are many trees, and pathways and roads that run through the trees. i see a swimming pool. we go on an uphill slope. the sky is pink-orange. it is dreamy and ...nice. up the slope we go.
the bus stops. we are at a bridge, overlooking a beautiful river. it appears we have come out of the estate, out of the trees. there is a beautiful sunset. the bridge is like cavenagh bridge, at boat quay. we all alight. i am eager to get off, because i want to take in this town that we have entered.
i take a quick glance at the view from the bridge, the river leading out into the sunset. behind me, the other passengers get off swiftly. when i next turn around, they have all walked their seperate ways, gone so quickly.
i find a friend, an acquaintance. he is not one i am close to. but i know him. he is walking away from the bus. he says he has places to be. he cant stay long. he vanishes around the next corner. i find myself alone, more alone then ever. and i feel very, very fearful.

the town, it is like a theme park, an area within a castle. the walls around are tinges of purple and yellow and orange and gold, like the sky. but all is quiet. it is not a very ... ordinary theme park. it seems dead. like everyone's gone home. the colours of the sky actually seem similar to dawn, but i know it is sunset not sunrise, somehow some feeling tells me this. the town is almost like that castle area in shrek. but very dead and so very quiet.

i think the theme park thing was about childhood. since it's dead it signifies that the years are dead and gone. i am scared because i am left alone, in a place familiar yet where something is very wrong. i think it means that after this i will be left alone, with no one to depend on. we grow up and have to find jobs and support ourselves. people go their own way from that bus, and i, so eager to alight and enjoy the beautiful scenery, find that i dont know where to go in this beautiful town, and night is coming and i am left clueles.

(wow. how sad and all. but i felt the time called for a serious post.)

i dont remember.
i shall sleep.

fever. sleepless at night. hot.


tom lives.
a reliable source tells me that the midyears constitute 20% of our overall marks. christmas has come early.

-tom is born-
(blogs speak in binary)

-tom learns to walk-

(scrolls down)

-tom goes to school-

oh! a number other than one or zero!

-tom encounters PUBERTY-

(he gets pimples)

hey tom.
do you remember anything?

no. was i out long?
a few days. the coma was ...shorter than expected.

why did you knock me out?
what did you dream of?
i had an out of body experience.
i saw myself, my own body, from a vantage point.
what was your body doing?
it was sleeping
it was scary
it is the euros now.
ooh. football?
yes tom.
i shall hop onto another website to watch. who're you rooting for?
ah. i think i'll go for croatia. their coach is a guitarist. from a rock band. now that's cool.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


tom dies


Monday, June 16, 2008

Welcome Andrew Teo, here is your handwriting analysis.

(it's at http://www.handwritingwizard.com/)

Andrew uses judgment to make decisions. He is ruled by his head, not his heart. He is a cool, collected person who is usually unexpressive emotionally. Some may see him as unemotional. He does have emotions but has no need to express them. He is withdrawn into himself and enjoys being alone.

The circumstances when Andrew does express emotions include: extreme anger, extreme passion, and tremendous stress. If someone gets him mad enough to tell him off, he will not be sorry about it later. He puts a mark in his mind when someone angers him. He keeps track of these marks and when he hits that last mark he will let them know they have gone too far. He is ruled somewhat by self-interest. All his conclusions are made without outside emotional influence. He is very level-headed and will remain calm in an emergency situation. In a situation where other people might get hysterical, he has poise.

(hmm..not bad...interestinggg....)

Andrew will work more efficiently if given space and time to be alone. He would rather not be surrounded by people constantly. In a relationship, he will show his love by the things he does rather than by the things he says. Saying "I love you" is not a needed routine because he feels his mate should already know. The only exception to this is if he has logically concluded that it is best for his mate to hear him express his love verbally.

Andrew is not subject to emotional appeals. If someone is selling a product to him, they will need to present only the facts. They should present them from a standpoint of his sound judgment. He will not be taken in by an emotional story about someone else. He will meet emergencies without getting hysterical and he will always ask "Is this best for me?"

(makes me sound so cold hearted and selfish. slightly off, this part.)

Andrew tends to write a bit smaller than the average person. When a person's letters are small and tiny, this indicates an ability to focus and concentrate. This character trait is a huge asset in careers like math, science, race car driving, and flying planes. However, if Andrew writes tiny all of the time, he will also display characteristics of someone who is socially introverted. Andrew will often sit on the sideline and watch others get the attention at parties. he might be willing to open up and be warm, but only in small groups or a select group of people. When he is busy working on a project, it is common for all other noises and distractions to just fade away and his ability to focus is incredible. When he says "i didn't hear you", he really means, he didn't hear you.

(yeah and i sometimes dont pay attention to the music i'm playing. this anaylsis is quite true huh?....)

Andrew will demand respect and will expect others to treat him with honor and dignity. Andrew believes in his ideas and will expect other people to also respect them. He has a lot of pride.

Andrew will be candid and direct when expressing his opinion. He will tell them what he thinks if they ask for it, whether they like it or not. So, if they don't really want his opinion, don't ask for it!


In reference to Andrew's mental abilities, he has a very investigating and creating mind. He investigates projects rapidly because he is curious about many things. He gets involved in many projects that seem good at the beginning, but he soon must slow down and look at all the angles. He probably gets too many things going at once. When Andrew slows down, then he becomes more creative than before. Since it takes time to be creative, he must slow down to do it. He then decides what projects he has time to finish. Thus he finishes at a slower pace than when he started the project.

(a nicer way to say i procrastinate.oh,my.) (shucks)

He has the best of two kinds of minds. One is the quick investigating mind. The other is the creative mind. His mind thinks quick and rapidly in the investigative mode. He can learn quicker, investigate more, and think faster. Andrew can then switch into his low gear. When he is in the slower mode, he can be creative, remember longer and stack facts in a logical manner. He is more logical this way and can climb mental mountains with a much better grip.
Andrew is a practical person whose goals are planned, practical, and down to earth. This is typical of people with normal healthy self-esteem. He needs to visualize the end of a project before he starts. he finds joy in anticipation and planning. Notice that I said he plans everything he is going to do, that doesn't necessarily mean things go as planned. Andrew basically feels good about himself. He has a positive self-esteem which contributes to his success. He feels he has the ability to achieve anything he sets his mind to. However, he sets his goals using practicality-- not too "out of reach". He has enough self-confidence to leave a bad situation, yet, he will not take great risks, as they relate to his goals. A good esteem is one key to a happy life. Although there is room for improvement in the confidence catagery, his self-perception is better than average.

(ah yes good good...)

Andrew is very self-sufficient. He is trying not to need anyone. He is capable of making it on his own. He probably wants and enjoys people, but he doesn't "need" them. He can be a loner.
Andrew has a healthy imagination and displays a fair amount of trust. He lets new people into his circle of friends. He uses his imagination to understand new ideas, things, and people.

(i think i understand what that last line meant...interesting. i like this analysis.)

For a graphologist, the spacing on the page reflects the writer's attitude toward their own world and relationship to things in his or her own space. If the inputted data was correct Andrew has no white space or margins on a typical sheet of paper. Andrew fills up every last inch on the top, right, left, and bottom. Hmmm. If this is true, then Andrew has a very aggressive personality toward others and quite frankly lacks a bit of respect for the space and property of other people. I would be surprised if Andrew just comes into someone's home and helps himself to a drink in the refrigerator. This can be both an obnoxious personality trait and it can be assertive and effective in getting what you want. There isn't much fear of getting in trouble here, Andrew finds plenty of reasons to break the rules and get in trouble. (Okay, perhaps when he was younger, not anymore?) Basically, people with no margins are a handful.

(yea for this last part, i don't know what to say) ( yea its the least true bit of the analysis) (i agree)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

the wall

this is sian ru. he is bored.
the white wall is discovered by josephine
and qian ying comes along. they wonder what josephine is doing
she says "come join me! its fun to hug the wall!!"
sian ru heeds her advice
and qian ying too
but qian ying get bored
she goes away. but sian ru remains smitten with the wall

but. he gets bored.
josephine wants to do more wall hugging.
she gives him an almighty KIck!! why always so sian!! go away!! go and die!! i wanna hug my walll
RAARRR. fine. i shall go find MY OWN wall, he says.

over at the grandstand...
enci spies, with her Faraway Vision Lion Specs, someone!
oh! its qian ying! and she's late from all that wall hugging!! somebody gonna get hurt!!!
what time is it now!??
you must move faster. like these two flashes of blue
k i shall let you in.
but next time...
why were you late anyway??
oh, i was....
....playing at the wall.
sian ru has scaled the wall. he is happy.
but gasp!!
whilst he isn't looking, others begin their raid of his wall!!!
they come from all sides...
from all directions...
sian ru gets FED UP!!
he KNOCKS them off!
one by one...
..they are knocked away from his wall!!
but alas
just when he thought they were gone...
josephine gets tired of the wall. "i discovered it first!!"
she goes to pull some ups.
...and gets high.
sian ru is unhappy about the Invasion of his Wall
he contemplates the meaning of life in a Leaf
it....enlightens him.
he returns...to search for another wall.

and josephine...
is happy. she hops off her wall.

and she watches from faraway...
and She is satisfied.

the end.

disclaimer: welll we had to take some photos today for some mini project thingee thingum and so we ended up taking lotsa shots and having fun and i looked thru my shots and i had agreed to post pics like everyone's going to, and i decided, andrew, how should we make them interesting? and so i uploaded the pics i wanted on photobucket, evaluated them and came up with a rubbishy story. hope you enjoyed it.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

i found so many bloggable pictures in my phone, so i thought ohwhattheheck and here i am posting again. (the earlier post's below)
this pic was taken at art friend. at bras basah. wanted to buy one of those styrofoam models. and wooden manequinns...
wanted to buy the small one. theyre in a kim jong il pose
small one's like nine bucks i think. cant rmb
er. sian ru scanning his paints-receipt. they do give long receipts. fascinating
cool. phone camera has panorama option. didnt know that.
and the guy coming up the stairs and the lady walking past. interesting. they were captured from panorama shot number three and two. the phone stitched them togethr. some parts of the photo overlap.
saw this as i walkd out one morning. just another schoolday. the strings would be the scaffolding because they are repainting my condo. random shot. i like the sky's gradient. god paints well.
and i'm about to move out bytheway
some macs art. art made from sauces at macs. i think sweetandsour and chilli. after our SOVA lectures bout mondrian and kandinsky and those weird modern artists i still rather say this is art. the stuff those artists come up with...i dunno what to say. i mean i dont really appreciate their art. but this one here's cool. and i think you can see jo's signature there.
cant rmb what this event was called. went last last saturday. at boat quay which is walkable from clarke quay come to think of it i cant rmb how we made it there from where we were at clarke quay. was with enci and sian ru, we went after doing work at the art room that afternoon and the muyao exhibition that morning. it was nice btw. the exhibition.
and deborah and jo and evelyn and grace, enci's friend. enjoyed the show. had a fun time
okay the photo's not as nice as enci's. but all the pics on my phone looked the same anyway. more or less. anyway.
went to play with the koi at the fullerton. coolman, we walked into the fullerton. i absorbed the poshness of the toilet and the fullerton. but the koi didnt oral me. i was scared. (i touched it though)
heycome on fish are therepeutic yes but only when youre watching them, not when youre like sticking your finger in for them to suck you senseless or something k nevermind i'm col-ing again. crappingoutloud shitx
...what. oh. the crossing theyre building near my bus stop. so i wont have to jaywalk anymore. haha. i win
disposable paper palettes. these were probably the eleventh or so palettes i used up. i have a set of forty. about half are left? i was in quite a whatever mood that day. it comes with hours of painting. and mother nature? i am so gonna teach you who's in charge here. paper palettes rock.
i cant rmb which shop this was at i really cant. sounded so emo.
terriyaki burger. talked bout it in the post below.
hotdog place at the cathay. the cathays real small. not many places to eat anyway. prices high. this hawaiian dog was okay though. i'm not crazy over ketchup
i think this was some breakfast at BK. i hardly eat bfast there. i like the burger. their burgers in general. and their bfast menu. hotcakes tend to get boring.
qixuan won that competition. i talked bout it in the post below too.
nice superman outfit right
BnJ. "cheese brownie".
when i walk out of the condo there's this playground. its in the middle, past the bench. i like the scene. the photo's not nice i was sorta rushing. anyway it was taken when i left the house and at night when i came home. moving house soon so everything about the old house and all , seems so much more beautiful.