Sunday, August 3, 2008


today i went for lunch at the istana.

speech day was on 2 august 2008, saturday yesterday.
people from 4e at speech day: derrick jorven ryan. jon tan and thomas didnt come receive awards. and hin kai and danial and buddin and abdul and octave and jj were there.
people from aep at speech day: saravanan muyao kevin zixi wilson
people who went to dinner at the airport, breeks' cafe: xurong erpei wilson waiyong reuben derrick muyao yenriel kwok cheung hin kai attahjoseph hansen salihin danial buddin abdul

the guest of honour was dr yaacob ibrahim.

that's me with the ong teong pin art award. mr ong's a distinguished victorian and ex president of the singapore architects' association. or something. the award's been around since the 60s' i think

well done to all who won..stuff. it was nice to return to school. (oh the aep media lab's like some ikea showroom now. those tables are kind of small though.) they were doing stop motion animation , judging by the toys on the table at the back.

i couldnt find the nice big expensive headphones.

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